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Ταξίδια στο Εξωτερικό: Europe

Days / Overnights

Day 1

Αθήνα - Πράγα

Αθήνα - Πράγα

Prague: The Castle and Charles Bridge at night

Θα συγκεντρωθούμε στο αεροδρόμιο Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος για να αναχωρήσουμε για Πράγα. Αμέσως μετά την άφιξή μας εκεί θα μας γίνει ξενάγηση της παλαιάς πόλης της Πράγας, της Χρυσής Πόλης, που είναι χτισμένη στις όχθες του ποταμού Μολδάβα. Το παλιό Δημαρχείο με το Αστρονομικό Ρολόι (έργο του 14ου αιώνα), ο Πύργος της Πυρίτιδας, η αγαλματοστόλιστη πέτρινη Γέφυρα του Καρόλου και ο καθεδρικός ναός του Αγίου Νικολάου και τα γραφικά καλντερίμια της "Μάλα Στράνα" είναι μερικά από τα αξιοθέατα που θα δούμε στην ξενάγηση μας. Μετάβαση και τακτοποίηση στο ξενοδοχείο μας. Η υπόλοιπη ημέρα είναι ελεύθερη για να εστιάσετε το ενδιαφέρον σας σε ό,τι σας ελκύει ιδιαίτερα. Μερικές προτάσεις μας: Μπορείτε να επισκεφθείτε τις πινακοθήκες της πόλης και τα ενδιαφέροντα μουσεία της (εθνικό μουσείο, μουσείο Μούχα, μουσείο παιχνιδιών, πινακοθήκη κυβιστών, κ.α.) ή για να κάνετε τις αγορές σας σε κρύσταλλα, αντίκες, γκραβούρες, πορσελάνες και μαριονέτες. ή και μια κρουαζιέρα στον ποταμό Μολδάβα για να θαυμάσετε τα υπέροχα παλάτια στις όχθες του και τις εκκλησίες σε γοτθικό και ρομαντικό ρυθμό καθώς και το πιο εκκεντρικό κτίριο της Πράγας, το «Φρέντ & Τζίντζερ». Το βράδυ, όσοι επιθυμούν μπορούν να παρακολουθήσουν μια παράσταση Θεάτρου Μαύρου Φωτός (Black Light Theatre). Η Πράγα θεωρείται η παγκόσμια πρωτεύουσα γι’ αυτήν την μορφή της Τέχνης.

Day 2

Πράγα - Δρέσδη

Πράγα - Δρέσδη

Prague: Square in the Old Town

Μετά το πρόγευμά μας μια άλλη έκπληξη μας περιμένει: Σήμερα θα επισκεφθούμε την πιο μπαρόκ πόλη της Γερμανίας, τη Δρέσδη, μία πόλη – υπαίθριο μουσείο, με τα εξαίσια κτίσματα, που της χάρισαν προπολεμικά τον τίτλο της "Φλωρεντίας του βορρά" και που, τότε, ήταν πολύ περισσότερα. Θα θαυμάσουμε το Τσβίγκερ, τμήμα των ανακτόρων του βασιλιά της Σαξονίας, την πρόσοψη του αναγεννησιακού Ρεζιντέντσλος, το Δημαρχείο, την περίφημη εκκλησία Φράουενκιρχε κ.ά., και θα συμμεριστούμε τη λύπη των Γερμανών για τον βομβαρδισμό και την ολοκληρωτική καταστροφή της πόλης στις 13-15 Φεβρουαρίου 1945. Αργά θα επιστρέψουμε στο ξενοδοχείο μας στην Πράγα.

Day 2

Πράγα (ξενάγηση πόλης)

Πράγα (ξενάγηση πόλης)

Prague: Ginger and Fred

Συνεχίζουμε με την ξενάγηση της πόλης, που τόσο πολύ ύμνησε ο Γκαίτε. Θα θαυμάσουμε το επιβλητικό κάστρο Χρατσάνι (παλαιό ανάκτορο των βασιλέων της Βοημίας), τον Καθεδρικό Ναό, το μοναστήρι Λορέττο, την αριστουργηματική πέτρινη γέφυρα του Καρόλου, το Εθνικό θέατρο. Ακολούθως ελεύθεροι στην αγορά της πόλης, όπου θα βρείτε θαυμάσια κρύσταλλα, λινά, δίσκους μουσικής, πορσελάνες και, βέβαια, κούκλες κουκλοθέατρου.

Day 3

Πράγα - Τσέσκε Κρούμλοβ (Προαιρετική Εκδρομή)

Πράγα - Τσέσκε Κρούμλοβ (Προαιρετική Εκδρομή)

Prague: Rof top view

Μετά το πρόγευμα, η μέρα σας είναι ελεύθερη. Οι επιλογές είναι πολλές. Επισκεφθείτε την πανέμορφη πλατεία Βενσεσλάς, ή την παλιά αγορά της Μάλα Στράνα. Θα βρείτε θαυμάσια κρύσταλλα, ασημένια κοσμήματα, λινά, δίσκους κλασικής μουσικής, πορσελάνες κ.α.

Εναλλακτικά σας προτείνουμε μια ολοήμερη προαιρετική εκδρομή στην περιοχή των κάστρων της Βοημίας και ιδιαίτερα στην πόλη - κάστρο Τσέσκε Κρούμλοβ. 0 αυθεντικός χαρακτήρας και ο πλούτος των μνημείων της έκαναν την Unesco να την συμπεριλάβει στον κατάλογο των Μνημείων Παγκόσμιας Κληρονομιάς. Στην ξενάγησή μας (που θα γίνει περπατώντας) θα δούμε τα φρούρια και τα μοναστήρια αυτής της θεαματικής πόλης, θα περπατήσουμε στα στενά λιθόστρωτα δρομάκια της με την μεσαιωνική ατμόσφαιρα. Ακολουθεί επιστροφή στην Πράγα.

Day 4

Πράγα - Κάρλοβι Βάρι

Πράγα - Κάρλοβι Βάρι

Czech Republic: Karlovy Vary

Η σημερινή ημέρα είναι ελεύθερη για να εστιάσετε το ενδιαφέρον σας σε ό,τι σας ελκύει ιδιαίτερα. Μερικές προτάσεις μας: Μπορείτε να επισκεφθείτε τις πινακοθήκες της πόλης και τα ενδιαφέροντα μουσεία της (εθνικό μουσείο, μουσείο Μούχα, με έργα του τσεχοσλοβάκου ζωγράφου Αλφόνς Μούχα (1860-1939), το μουσείο παιχνιδιών, την πινακοθήκη κυβιστών, κ.α.) ή για να κάνετε τις αγορές σας σε κρύσταλλα, αντίκες, γκραβούρες, πορσελάνες και μαριονέτες. ή και μια κρουαζιέρα στον ποταμό Μόλδοβα για να θαυμάσετε τα υπέροχα παλάτια στις όχθες του και τις εκκλησίες σε γοτθικό και ρομαντικό ρυθμό καθώς και το πιο εκκεντρικό κτήριο της Πράγας, το «Φρέντ & Τζίντζερ», δύο αδελφά κτήρια που μιμούνται την κίνηση χορευτών. Το βράδυ, όσοι επιθυμούν μπορούν να παρακολουθήσουν μια παράσταση Θεάτρου Μαύρου Φωτός (Black Light Theater). Η Πράγα θεωρείται η παγκόσμια πρωτεύουσα γι’ αυτήν την μορφή της Τέχνης.

Day 5

Πράγα - Κάρλοβι Βάρι - Αθήνα

Πράγα - Κάρλοβι Βάρι - Αθήνα

Prague: Square in the Old Town

Ολοήμερη εκδρομή στην Λουτρόπολη του Καρόλου, το Κάρλοβι Βάρι, μία από τις γνωστότερες λουτροπόλεις της κεντρικής Ευρώπης. Κτισμένη στις όχθες του ποταμού Τέπλα αποτέλεσε αγαπημένο προορισμό προσωπικοτήτων όπως ο Μέγας Πέτρος, ο Σίλερ, ο Γκέτε, η Μαρία Θειρεσία, ο Μπετόβεν, ο Μπαχ.

Μετά από ένα υπέροχο ταξίδι μέσα στα δάση της Βοημίας, φτάνουμε στην περίφημη λουτρόπολη νωρίς το μεσημέρι. Θα περιηγηθούμε τα μεγαλειώδη λουτρά της αλλά και το εντυπωσιακό τοπίο που την περιβάλλει, καθώς είναι χτισμένη μέσα σε μια στενή κοιλάδα. Ελληνόφωνας ξεναγός θα μας οδηγήσει στην πόλη και στις ιαματικές πηγές. Θα φωτογραφήσουμε τα όμορφα γραφικά σπίτια, διακοσμημένα σε ρυθμό Αρ Νουβό.

Την καθορισμένη ώρα, αργά το απόγευμα, μεταφερόμαστε στο αεροδρόμιο, απ' όπου θα αναχωρήσουμε για την Αθήνα.

Ευχαριστούμε που ταξιδέψατε με το Windmills Travel και τους συνεργάτες μας.

Hilton Prague

Hilton Prague Exterior View

Hilton Prague Exterior View

Hilton Prague Cybexmassage

Hilton Prague Gym

Hilton Prague Swimming Pool

Hilton Prague

Hilton Prague Cafe Bistro

Hilton Prague Restaurant

Hilton Prague Room

Hilton Prague Room
Class: 5-Star Hotels
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

With 788 rooms, suites and apartments, featuring a spectacular Atrium, the Hilton Prague is the largest luxury five star hotel in Central and Eastern Europe catering to the needs of both the seasoned business executive and leisure traveler.

Meeting and conference facilities offer a state-of-the-art Congress Hall, a Grand Ballroom with an adjoining summer terrace and 28 versatile meeting rooms capable of hosting up to 2500 delegates. For some rest and relaxation visit the fully equipped Cybex Health Club & Spa, try your luck in the Atrium Casino or simply take a stroll through the hotels select boutiques for some last minute shopping.
Comfortably spacious and designed to meet the seasoned travelers needs, be it for vacation or business; guest rooms have all the facilities to ensure a relaxing and enjoyable stay. Offering an array of amenities all rooms have large double soundproofed windows, an entertainment centre and a choice of pillows.
To ensure that your culinary expectations are met, a selection of four outlets is available.
Zest Bar
The Zest Bar is the place to go after a stressful day. Relax with an award-winning cocktail, one of the famous Czech beers, or choose from a wide selection of vodkas. Live entertainment, sports corner with plasma TVs. Menu in Braille available.
Every day the Atrium restaurant in the heart of the hotel lobby serves the famous Hilton Breakfast Buffet.
CzecHouse Grill & Rotisserie
The newly renovated design dining room with open kitchen offers a blend of contemporary European cuisine and traditional Czech specialties, featuring signature dishes such as organic US beef. All complemented by Czech draught beer or variety of local and international finest wines. A Braille menu is available.
Café Bistro
The Café Bistro, situated in the hotel lobby, is open 24 hours a day for light snacks, lunch and dinner. It offers an international menu with Italian specialties, light food and special monthly culinary promotions. A Braille menu is available.

The Hilton Prague is conveniently located on the right bank of the River Vltava and within walking distance of the historic centre, offering many historic sights, local attractions, fine shops and a lively night scene. All major motorways are easily accessible. The main train station is situated nearby, while the bus and underground stations are only 5 minutes' walk away.

More Information and Photos for Hilton Prague

Prague Marriott Hotel

Prague Marriott Hotel Executive Lounge

Prague Marriott Hotel Executive Lounge

Prague Marriott Hotel Executive Lounge

Prague Marriott Hotel Guest Room

Prague Marriott Hotel Indoor Pool

Prague Marriott Hotel Junior Suite

Prague Marriott Hotel Karlstejn Meeting Room

Prague Marriott Hotel Lobby

Prague Marriott Hotel Lobby Bar / Cafe

Prague Marriott Hotel Presidential Suite

Prague Marriott Hotel Presidential Suite

Prague Marriott Hotel World Class Health Academy
Class: 5-Star Hotels
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

At the Prague Marriott Hotel, the friendly staff awaits your arrival.

This upscale hotel evokes classic European charm and welcomes you with elegant accommodations. Known for first-class service and event facilities, Prague Marriott Hotel features 4,500 sq meters of event space flexible for intimate gatherings or large affairs. This luxurious hotel offers 293 spacious guest rooms and 35 suites. The World Class Health Academy - a haven for relaxation and leisure - features a swimming pool, sauna, whirlpool, fully equipped gym and children’s playroom.
Brasserie Praha, offering the finest Czech and international wines, recreates French and local cuisine you can savor with family, friends or colleagues. Between meals, enjoy an espresso or cocktail at the Lobby Bar and Cafe while you stay connected with wireless Internet access.

A majestic jewel in one of Europe's most enchanting cities, the Prague Marriott Hotel is steps from Old Town Square, the metro and Prague's major tourist attractions.

More Information and Photos for Prague Marriott Hotel


Diplomat Hotel

Diplomat Hotel

Diplomat Hotel

Diplomat Hotel

Diplomat Hotel

Diplomat Hotel

Diplomat Hotel

Diplomat Hotel
Class: 4-Star Hotels
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

There are 398 standard/superior rooms and suites.

The spacious Conference Centre with its sixteen rooms can accommodate up to 820 persons and provides state-of-the-art audio-visual technology, multimedia equipment, electronic navigation system and facilities for simultaneous interpreting.
We are looking forward to your visit!

Diplomat Hotel****Prague is located on the very edge of Prague´s historic centre; it takes only 10 minutes to get there from the City Airport. Close to the Prague Castle, it is surrounded mainly by diplomatic residences.

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Andel's Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel

Andels Hotel
Class: 4-Star Hotels
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

This ultimate four star de luxe design hotel opened its doors in June 2002. The designers of the hotel's interior have won the "FX International Design Award 2002" for Andel´s Hotel Prague.

The 231 rooms and 8 suites on five floors are flooded with light from floor to high ceiling windows. You will find trendy and discrete furniture, which combine the highest comfort with up-to-date functionality. Each room is equipped with CD/DVD player, Sat-TV, individually adjustable air-condition, minibar, safe box with notebook plug, trouser press, "plug and play" high speed internet access, and two direct telephone lines. 100 rooms are reserved for non-smokers, while others meet the needs of the physically challenged guests, 8 rooms have sunny side view and each is equipped with its own terrace.

The restaurant close to the conference rooms seats over 220 guests in either large groups or separate tables of four or two, for breakfast through to different kinds of gastronomic events.

The hotel is conveniently located near the historical district of Prague, in the new shopping/business area "Anděl City", with 2 multiplex cinema centers and the largest Prague commercial center “Obchodni centrum Novy Smichov” with more than 130 branded shops and restaurants. The underground station "Anděl", adjacent to the hotel, ensures a quick connection to the historical city center with its famous sights.

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President Hotel

President Hotel

President Hotel

President Hotel

President Hotel

President Hotel

President Hotel

President Hotel

President Hotel

President Hotel
Class: 5-Star Hotels
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

With its 130 originally designed guestrooms, including 32 Junior Suites, 3 Senior Suites, 1 Presidential Suite, it is suitable for the most discerning of travellers.

The hotel's rooms are divided into 4 categories: 64 Deluxe Rooms with 2 disabled rooms, 13 Superior Rooms, 17 Executive Rooms and 36 Suites. You can choose among 130 spacious smoking and non-smoking rooms and suites which are designed to provide all comfort to the guests. The rooms are equipped with individual climate control air-conditioning, personal safe, 1 telephone line, data cable with high speed internet connection, satellite TV, mini-bar, hair-dryer, iron and ironing board. For guests' safety, there are fire detectors on the ceiling and stoppers fixed on the windows in every room.

President Hotel offers 5 meeting rooms which are suitable both for business events and for private purposes. Sormedic Electrocosmetic Center & Beauty Spa, next to the Sauna and Fitness Center, offers a wide range of special cosmetic treatments.

The restaurant menu offers mouth-watering international cuisine boasting regional flavors and an extensive wine list.

President Hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Prague, on the right bank of Vltava river, within walking distance of Prague Castle, Jewish Quarter and Old Town.

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987 Design Prague Hotel

987 Design Prague Hotel Exterior View

987 Design Prague Hotel

987 Design Prague Hotel

987 Design Prague Hotel

987 Design Prague Hotel

987 Design Prague Hotel

987 Design Prague Hotel

987 Design Prague Hotel Bar

987 Design Prague Hotel Guest Room
Class: 4-Star Hotels
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

There are four types of accommodaion at this hotel: Superior rooms, Executive rooms, Junior Suites and Duplex Suites. All accommodation types are equipped with the most modern amenities and the guests enjoy professional service.

The 987 Design Prague Hotel is located in the heart of Prague, at a five minute walking distance from the Old Town Square, Wenceslas Square, the Municipal House, the Powder Tower, the State Opera, concert halls and minutes by taxi to the Praque Castle, National Theater, National Museum, the Exhibition area or the Congress. The hotel is just two minutes away from the most commercial street in Prague.

More Information and Photos for 987 Design Prague Hotel

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague

Renaissance Prague
Class: 5-Star Hotels
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

The Renaissance Prague Hotel has 310 rooms including 10 suites, 2 Governor Suites and a Presidential Suite and they feature all the amenities of a first class hotel.

The 9 floor building houses 297 rooms, 13 suites, 12 meeting rooms, with 696 sq m of total meeting space and one concierge level. The General Room Amenities include Air conditioning, Alarm clock, Bottled water, for a fee, Crib, Electrical adapters, Individual climate control, Iron and ironing board, Luxurious bedding - down comforters, custom duvets, cotton-rich linens, down/feather pillows, Pull-out sofa bed, Rollaway bed, Safe, Bathrobe, Hair dryer, CNN Cable channel, Cable/satellite TV, Mini-bar, Movies/videos, pay-per-view, VCR player Three food and beverage outlets invite you to taste local and exotic specialities: a)Seven Restaurant, a Steakhouse serving also breakfast, lunch and dinner in relaxed elegance with outstanding cuisine b)U Korbele, a Czech style pub/restaurant open for lunch and dinner, featuring international cuisine and local Bohemian food, draught beer and wines from the region c)Long Bar You can further relax and sooth your mind in our Health Club which includes a swimming pool with a steam room and massage services.

The hotel Marriott Renaissance Prague is located in the heart of Prague, in a unique and inviting surroundings that include upscale restaurants infused with local flavor.

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K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central

K+K Hotel Central
Class: 4-Star Hotels
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

K+K Hotels has comprehensively renovated this 'K+K Hotel Central' historic “art-nouveau” building, creating a superior first-class hotel.

The hotel features127 guestrooms and suites, equipped with all modern comforts; Bath/shower/WC, floor heating, hairdryer, Air-conditioning with individual control, sound-proof windows, SAT-TV with more than 30 international channels, teletext; minibar, tea and coffee making facility; ISDN multiple line telephone, desk with second phone, safety box; high-speed Internet connection through LAN cabling in all rooms. “No smoking” - rooms available.

There are 3 conference rooms and a Business Lounge, as well as a Sauna and Fitness Center

The first-class K+K Hotel Central is situated in the heart of the Old Town of Prague only steps away from “Prašná brána” (Powder Tower).

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Αngelo Hotel Prague

Angelo Hotel Prague

Angelo Hotel Prague

Angelo Hotel Prague

Angelo Hotel Prague
Class: 4-Star Hotels
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

Αngelo Hotel Prague attracts through its perfect location in the "new living city center Smichov", both business and leisure clients. Plenty of shops, bars, bowling clubs, pubs, restaurants and cinemas are situated in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.

The hotel features 168 rooms in total as following: 70 Double Rooms, 93 Twin Rooms and 5 Suites. The suites are located on the top floor and are equipped with their own terraces. 2 Rooms are specially designed for the disabled guests.

All rooms are equipped with individually adjustable air-conditioning, “plug and play” high speed internet access, fax connection, SAT-TV, DVDplayer, radio, smoke alarm, minibar, safe deposit box with notebook recharging plug, chair and writing desk. The spacious bathrooms include separate shower with adjustable shower head, hairdryer, floor heating and complimentary toiletries. There are also King size luxurious beds, coffee & tea making facilities and plasma screen 21” = 53 cm.

Angelo Hotel Prague offers a wide range of food and beverages. The intimate Lobby Bar “JAZZ “, with a fireplace, invites hotel leisure guests and business travelers to enjoy lunch, snacks or dinner. The Restaurant “SUNLIGHT” seats over 135 guests from breakfast through to various styles of gastronomic events.

Αngelo Hotel Prague is located near the historical center of Prague, in the modern business and entertainment area “Anděl”, with many restaurants, bars, multiplex cinema centers, and shopping center. The underground, tram and bus stops are located just a few metres from the hotel (5 min. to the Wenceslav square by underground).

More Information and Photos for Αngelo Hotel Prague